If my sun burn wasn't enough, this week i endured a Wasp attack.
The little guy violently stung me three times in my inner arm near the elbow. It seriously felt like a match had been lit under my skin. It immediately turned dark red and began to swell.
Quickly a friend jumped into action: mixing some Pascalite Clay and water into paste. The clay was mixed in a ceramic bowl with fingers. Do not use metal utensils or metal bowls.
The paste was quickly slathered across the three stings. Making sure to put it on in excess. A thick layer is perfect for drawing out the poison from the stings.
Within just a few minutes the awful pain was non-existent and when the rinsed off about an hour later almost all the redness and swelling were gone.
Just as a precaution, after my evening shower I re-applied a thick layer of clay, wrapped it in a damp cloth and slept like that. I have found that warm or hot water inflamed the sting even after one clay application. The second application was all that was needed and the stings were healed.
Clay has many helpful uses. Drawing out poison is something it does extremely well.
In addition to stings, I have used both Pascalite and Aztec clay for facials, especially when I have breakouts.
In addition to stings, I have used both Pascalite and Aztec clay for facials, especially when I have breakouts.